Strike Instructor Control Panel

The ‘Instructor’ has the ability to enter and modify strike missions from a single panel.  The focus is on the realistic terminal effects in a scenario instead of proper closed air support procedures. To access this window: Mission-> Strike Instructor Control.

∆ Image 8a: VBS2Combined Arms - Strike Instructor Control panel full view (Inactive)

∆ Image 4B: VBS2Strike Instructor Control panel (Active)

∆ Image 8b: VBS2Combined Arms - Strike Instructor Control panel (Active)

Hot Keys used in the Strike Instructor Control Panel

  1. ALT+Shift+V - Validate
  2. ALT+Shift+F - Execute
  3. ALT+Shift+X - Abort
  4. ALT+Shift+R - Re-Attack
  5. ALT+Shift+E – End Mission
  6. TAB - table by table focus can be moved in forward direction
  7. CTRL+TAB - in order to shift the focus to Input panel
  8. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB - to come out from text areas in the reverse direction
  9. Arrow keys - shifts among task groups in the task group table using arrow keys (up/down) and items of the combo Box can be selected via the arrow keys
  10. Enter - combo box, buttons, toggle buttons, radio buttons, check boxes and Tri-State check boxes perform its action with 'ENTER'

Keyboard shortcuts for VBS2Strike application are available in the Appendix 15.